Its hard to find a person which would not be interested or even not heard of this year release of the Kriss Vector AEG. Even at the time of the release of the gas powered replica by KWA, there were questions and rumors about possible manufacturers who would make an electric powered version. Because of a very characteristic profile of the real firearm, fitting any currently available gearbox was practically impossible - the design required a new approach to the layout of the mechanism powering the SMG. This was done by Krytac, a company which makes very well received AEG replicas from the AR15 family.
The premiere of the Kriss Vector AEG in the USA took place on the 30th June. A this date all the preorders made for the replica were being sent. Also, first videos resenting handling of the final version of the SMG were posted on the Internet.
One such videos shows how to disassemble the replica:
Shops in North America, Europe and Asia will receive first shipments around the end of July. In Canada the Vector AEG will be available at the end of August.