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YouTube blokuje zarobki w filmach poświęconym ASG i broni palnej

This article comes from an older version of the portal and its display (especially images) may deviate from current standards.

Bed news for the airsoft (and not only) part of the YouTube. According to Desert Fox Airsoft, for some time now vidoes presenting guns, shooting, fighting or "violence" are marked by and algorithm which restricts or disallows showing commercials in them, meaning - it make earning profit and supporting the channel more difficult.



People posting their videos on YouTube, in which they take part in airsoft games will have to avoid using such terms as "killing", "death", "war", "weapon" etc. Unfortunately, we do not know the exact way the algorithm works or how to get around it apart from the already mentioned avoidance of phrases suggesting undesired content. What is more interesting, the problem does not concern solely channels devoted strictly for airsoft or firearms. Numerous problems were posted by people running games related channels, where recordings of FPS games are posted. 

It is not a definitive end of airsoft videos - most of the bigger channels cooperates with various companies and profits from Google adds are treated as an additional income. The problem starts with people who are not so popular or want to break through. It this matter will continue to go in the direction of censorship of such content, a large amount of people making such videos will move to other platforms that offer video hosting services.




Desert Fox Airsoft

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