"Operation Moria" will be held on August 3 and 4 this year. in Konary near Cracow. This is a 24h event with elements of the staff planing, an original script and story mechanics. The participants will be required to be diplomatic, to carry out combat tasks and to get into the atmosphere of the scenario. As the organizers assure, this is an interesting proposition for those who like to get into the game from the beginning to the end. The parties of the conflict here are the Russian Federation in the form of the ATA unit (Antimiste Tanah Alma) and NATO represented by the Eagels of Peace. There will also be independent characters. The whole game is to contain elements of LARP and mil-sim (among others, sapper squads and two hospitals, as part of bases, are to operate in the game area). The organizer intends to surprise the participants with the story of the game. How will it all look like? We will find out in August.
The game is intended for participants aged 16 and over with the consent of a legal guardian. The number of players that can participate in the game is 120 people.
The cost is PLN 100.
We invite you to watch the trailer of the event.

Operation Moria - a story driven scenario near Cracow