Trwa ładowanie

Twoja przeglądarka jest przestarzała. Niektóre funkcjonalności mogą nie działać poprawnie. Zalecamy aktualizajcę lub zmianę przeglądarki na nowszą.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Problems with private messages and forum

A large number of cases deals with the Chrome browser. This is an interesting case because it is not a rule. During our tests, the problem did not appear. What's more, it can disappear by itself and return after some time. Technicians are looking for a solution to the problem.

Some advice before you send a ticket

1. Delete WMASG cookies in your browser and check if the problem persists.
2. Check if the problem also occurs on other browsers.
3. Describe the exact problem (what browser, operating system you are using). The more details you provide, the greater the chance for a smooth explanation.

"UNVERIFIED" account

We plan to implement a system to authenticate the interested users and by this increase, among other things, the degree of trust of offers posted on our Buy/Sell subpage, and generally increase the level of credibility of a given person on the portal. For now, however, the status of an "unverified" account does not affect the functionality of the account on the portal. We will provide more details when we finish work on the basic version of the portal. The previous contractor delivered it to us in a dramatic state.



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