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Survival Vademecum
Survival Vademecum

Survival Vademecum

Survival Vademecum
Survival Vademecum

Not so long ago the premiere of the latest book by Paweł Frankowski and Witold Rajchert took place. The authors have already written two popular titles, "Przygotowani przetrwają" and "Sztuczki survivalowe" (ang. Prepared will survive, Survival tricks). Both books contain practical knowledge on how to deal with difficult conditions and how to prepare for hard times. Their latest book is titled "Vademecum Survivalowe" (ang. Survival Vademecum) which provides practical knowledge collected in a new form.

As the authors write themselves - the thematic scope of the handbook includes forest and urban survival, bushcraft, outdoor and military elements (SERE). It is a compendium of knowledge needed to survive in almost every situation. All advice is supported by many years of experience, observations and scientific evidence. This is not the next book that is a carbon copy of US Army textbooks. This publication has been prepared completely with the the Polish reader and our country in mind.

"Vademecum Survivalowe" offers a dose of practical knowledge about how to survive and get out of almost every oppression, regardless of whether it happens in the forest, mountains or on a suspicious street in a city. In the book you will find both psychological and technical aspects of survival, as well as respect for nature (LNT).

From the book you can learn how to:

  • avoid dangerous situations,
  • light a fire in the rain,
  • survive a cold night in the mountains,
  • filter water using branches,
  • predict a change in the weather,
  • get out of a hole in a frozen lake and what to do next,
  • help yourself,
  • get natural aspirin,
  • behave during an assault,
  • to survive riots in the city,
  • eat a meal for free,
  • survive imprisonment and escape,
  • creatively hang a tarp.

Work on the book started in autumn 2018. Unlike the authors' previous publications, this one has been funded entirely by them, so buying the book will support its creators directly. People interested in the e-book version will have to wait until the autumn 2019. The authors of the illustrations are Wojciech Majczyk, who made almost all of them, and Rafal "Lesovik" Palowski, who made illustrations about the hammock and how to hang tarpaulin.

"Vademecum Survivalowe" is a compendium of practical knowledge collected, organized and presented to the reader in a legible way. We like such stuff!


As we are supporting the "Vademecum Survivalowe" in the media, we would like to invite You for a contest. The prizes are two books signed by one of the authors, Paweł Frankowski. In order to have a chance to win, you need to answer a question.

THE QUESTION IS: What would you do, what would you take with you, if the was a sudden and prolonged shortage of electricity, food and drinking water in stores, and on the streets of your city (except for rolling tumbleweed, no one knows where it came from to Poland), you could meet only unfriendly groups of looters?

The prizes are two signed "Vademecum Survivalowe" books

We count on your creativity. It can be serious, it can be playful. The most interesting answer, in our opinion, will win. Please write your answers in the comments under this article on WMASG (!). The winners will be chosen by a committee composed of Regdorn, Czoper and Pablik. We wait for your answers until 23:59, 7 June 2019. The results will be announced within 7 days.

The competition can not be attended by members of the WMASG crew.


Prizes in the "Vademecum Survivalowe" contest




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