April. The beginning of the airsoft season. There is already beautiful weather outside. Everyone is making final preparations for the spring and summer events, taking care of their replicas, equipment and getting together with their teammates. Coronavirus attacks Poland. Mass events are canceled, entertainment venues are closed, and meetings of over two people are banned. All projects undertaken in our community ended before they even started. Here is the list of would-be April events, along with additional information:

<ul><li>Operation Mongoose - one of the most important events in Poland. From the beginning of its existence it is an event organized on the occasion of the birthday of the BAT Łódź group. It attracts several hundred people from all over the country. It is primarily a social event. We, at the editorial office, used to call is "a real event just like in the old days". At the same time, it is currently the oldest annual event that has stood the test of time. This year's 15th edition due to coronavirus has been
canceled.</li><li>Border War - the second big event in this takes place outside of Poland, specifically in the Czech Republic. The event has been winning Popular Airsoft prize for the best airsoft event for years. It was planned for the 12th time on April 15 , but has also been
canceled.</li><li>Operation Yuri 6 - New Deal - the next edition of Operation Yuri, organized by the Husaria Mysłowice Association, is an event organized twice a year for up to 400 people. Original date: 18.04, new date: 19.09.</li><li>Operation "Hitch" - 24-hour maneuvers organized by the MIWO Praszka group in Łódzkie voivodeship. Original date: 18-19.04, new date: 26-27.09.</li><li>Normandy 1944 - a stylized game - the third game in Łódzkie voivodeship. Due to an epidemic status, it has been postponed until 24-45.09.</li><li>Fallout 5 Call of the Caverns - a LARP game by Zabrze FAT. A full-day, post-apocalyptic game-like role-playing event. Original date: 26.04, new date is yet unknown.</li><li>Operation Silver Wing 7 - a large event of airsoft geeks has been
canceled. However, this decision was made at the end of February. But, as the game was planned for April, it could not be omitted in this list.</li><li>In addition, all smaller games (weekend + those in organized places) have been canceled.</li></ul>
Unfortunately, this is how today's sad reality look like. You have to wait patiently for the crisis to pass. There are also voices, rightfully full of fear, regarding the future of places such as the Furia Game Center and Wojkowice Bunker in Silesia or SILT Paintball in Warsaw. Commercial venues that have military infrastructure are, for obvious reasons, the ones that are the most endangered with high losses. Let's hope it doesn't get to the worst ...
Do you have more news from the airsoft coronavirus battle front? Write in the comments.
Source: Facebook.com (strony wydarzeń), własne