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The situation of Polish Military Contingents in the age of the coronavirus
The situation of Polish Military Contingents in the age of the coronavirus

The situation of Polish Military Contingents in the age of the coronavirus

The situation of Polish Military Contingents in the age of the coronavirus
The situation of Polish Military Contingents in the age of the coronavirus

Soldiers participating in the missions outside of Poland operate under the aegis of the UN, NATO and the European Union as part of the Alliance's increased activity on the Eastern Flank. They are present in a total of 11 countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Italy. Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Central African Republic, Kosovo, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

On March 8, President Andrzej Duda held a conversation with PMC commanders. Iits goal was to familiarize with current activities as well as the security situation in the areas were Polish troops are stationed. The president also asked about the protection measures needed to fight the coronavirus. He was assured that everything was under control. During the two-hour videoconference, commanders also reported on the current tasks of the contingents.

Support was also provided by the 10th Opole Logistics Brigade, which will transport an additional supply of medicines, protective measures and medical equipment to Italy, Romania and Afghanistan using CASA C-295M and C-130 Hercules planes. Despite the difficulties related to the suspension of international traveling, our compatriots will not be left without basic articles, all thanks to the 10th OBL.

Therefore, Polish soldiers will remain well supplied abroad until the end of the mission. In addition, the Minister of National Defense announced that the rotation of the contingents would take place without changes and there is no need to quarantine those returning home after leaving the mission area.

Sources: Defence24.pl,niezalezna.pl, Prezydent.pl



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