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Anakonda, Pałczew k. Łodzi, 12-14.09.2008

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Organizer: BAT
Main sponsor: ASG A/S (Denmark)
Sponsor: INBROASG (Poland)
Location: Pałczew (near Łódź)
Event type: local for Poland
Date: 12-14 Sep 2008
Entry fee: free admittance 
Number of maniacs: about 250

It was another meeting organized by airsoft group BAT from Łódź (Poland), who were previously introduced on Wmasg. Even though it was held on 12-14 September, you could find information as early as three months in advance. Number of players, including me, were growing inpatient while waiting for this event. Game area was set in old quarry in Pałczew near Łodź. As it was previously on events organized by BAT, main scenario was played on Saturday, but participants were gathering on Friday and started to head back on late Sunday evening.



As many others, I arrived on Friday, which as mentioned, was one day before main scenario. As always we were greeted by friends from BAT, and other early comers. You might feel that players were in good mood, inpatiently awaiting for the next day. In the evening some started to set up tents, some prepared camp fire. Later we gathered next to the fire and enjoyed recalling previous games and what was going on recently in our local communities. Chit-chat and fun could not last long - as most of the players decided to go to sleep early, to fight on full throttle the next day, on the contrary to wake up on dinner time with headache.


Unfortunately night was terribly cold. In the morning, not better at all, there was no will to get of a dossbag, not mentioning getting up to fight. Duty is a duty - we managed to get the equipment on and we were present at the briefing.


Scenario was set around events which took place after 9-11. To bring more character into the gameplay, organizer before event was scheduled, brought up following story:


"It is November 9, 2002...  operation "Anakonda" has started for real. Since October 7, 2001 Coalition Forces are trying to gain control in Afghanistan. Taliban forces, under a command of Muhammad Omar (ملا محمد عم) and Al-Qaeda are fiercely defending their positions, by force made it difficult for Coalition Forces to achieve its targets. USA has sent its troops to Afghanistan (in strenght of 22 000) under pretext of catching Osama bin Laden, who was allegedly standing behind attacks of 9-11. Later US Army took command of the coalition forces from 25 countries. Operational objective number one is to capture two most wanted terrorists which is Osama bin Laden and Muhammad Omar. It does not mean, coalition would give up the field to scattered groups of well trained terrorists. To greatest regret, casualties are bad, especially among American and British troops."




As usually airsoft players were strong advantage of the event. There were more than 200 participants ready to play as coalition forces and Arabic insurgents. What is worth mentioning, on Łódź segment of WMASG' forum, well before event players self arranged division of forces, so there was no need of wasting a time to balance teams on the arrival. To regret, "worshippers of Allah" had not put much effort to stress their adherence. I say it with even more regret, as playing on this side, I saw myself that simple favor to wear keffiyeh (Arabic scarf) was too difficult for some. Pity because the others, went further, by bringing even sajjadah  (prayer rugs).


My assignment to Arabic side, went out by some coincidence. At first I selected American side, but my commander has not reached the destination due to technical problems, so I attached to Arabic troop. In the end I was under leadership of Manfred, having in command joined forces of Wild Geese, Kombinat and RMC so I had number of familiar faces next to me. Thanks to that we had even greater fun, even if during play, occurred some "invincible ones" or little misunderstandings.




Game itself was received coldly by some and really well by the others. Number of players on Islamic side, were complaining on given orders... I remember during some events organized by BAT ("Mangusta") I was really surprised by diversity of incoming orders. Troops which had defended buildings for the first hour, next hour were being sent to fight for strategic point, or prepare an ambush. What is more, I admit I have modified own scenarios inspired by rules imposed by BAT - which is some regularity in sending people all around the game area and diversify given tasks. "Anakonda" was different: Arabic forces were mainly defending their positions, US side was on the move and attacking. You could see number of disappointed faces, and some said: "What are we up to now? Daa... sector X15? Yeah, sure - where about else... What shall we do? ... yeah, we are defending the same bloody bush". But wait ... guys... maybe sitting tight in one place is not passionating experience, on the other hand though patience is a virtue, which trained might pay off during airsoft games. Shouldn't we forget, scenario area was imitating Afghanistan, in which American forces were set in the role of aggressor... I mean, sorry... US forces, named as "stabilization forces", were sent to Afghanistan, in order to pursue noble task of bringing peace to every part of the world...


Every troop - no matter the side they standed for - were given a task to bring a dummy representing captured terrorist / hostage. I must admit imagination of players were way above expectations. Dummies were in the shape of stuffed clothes, paper stands, mannequin, sex-shop doll, and Winnie the Pooh in Arabic outfit. At this part, participants did their job without failure.




After 4 p.m. so about one hour after game was finished, second part of Saturday's goings-on started. It was scheduled for number of competitions. First one started during gameplay time, which involved judging mentioned above - dummies. Second one was ankle-tied long jump, the third tug-of-war, the fourth and last M15A4 Classic Army shooting competition, which was the main prize as well.


Competitions were well taken by players, it was loads of fun: as well as for competitors, as for audience. There were number of participants, who fought well but not at all costs.


Definitely one of the most interesting competitions was a tug-of-war. This category involved team-play. There were four person teams in most cases of one troop members. It might be exciting: players were fighting for every inch of the ground. They dug in the sand, fell down - their faces were picture of every effort they did. Audience were supportive, shouting, encouraging  to fight for all.


Rosiu prepering a rope before the next fight


During ankle-tied long jump, you might have been impressed by number of styles. Seems like easy thing - ankle-tied and simple task of getting to finish line. Competitors used their creativity to make it their own way: starting with simple frog-leap, full strenght long jump, jumping with roll-over and falling down. Most laughable was Levy, who did geisha style small step run with twice turned somersault. His efforts were cheered with loud laughter, and was not passed over by referees. Even though his time was not the shortest, both of the sponsors had meant special rewards for this competitor.




Shooting range competition was scheduled as last one. I was personally a bit worried if we manage to carry out it before dark, but it came out that Rosio (organizer) had good sense of time, and it was well planned. Main prize (M15A4) was being shot at the target by dozens of competitors. To make it more difficult, clips were loaded with 'invisible' BBs Blaster PRO which are supposed to not give away the shooters' position, but as well are not easy to aim by trajectory of previous shot. I don't like them, but there are some players who prefer them to the regular ones.


Shooting target was another quality for organizer. It presented rushing rhino with point different circles. It was signed by BAT and sponsor logos. Targets after calculating points were given to shooters, so every competitor got a souvenir - not only neat but first of all memorizing the score. As a person equipped with safety glasses on the end of shooting range, I must thank everyone for not yielding to temptation of shooting at me or Przemo standing next to me. Fortunately feeling the chance of getting the main prize was stronger.



After all the competitions were carried out, prizes were given to the winners. Rewards were funded by IRONBROASG from Poland and ActionSportGames from Denmark. I should start with indigenous company... so I would say that IRONBRO funded Glock 18c by CYMA, Morsenberg 590 and BBs by IRONBRO. It was long jump competition rewards mainly. ActionSportGames (which I had a pleasure to represent) had funded three rewards given to winners of shooting range competition. It was M15A4, CZ75 with set of CO2 charges, and EXCEL BBs. Apart from that company had treated us with set of new on market Tactical Assault gloves, goggles, tactic belts and CA posters. All of the female participants in shooting competition got Classic Army T-shirts and in the recognition of put efforts on the hands of organizer I had handed over Mad Bull mine and a few pieces of Airsoft International magazine. If you count it in total it was about 100 prizes and number of posters.




Gameplay, competitions... everything was behind, when we went to the third part of the event - camp fire. BAT's camp fire evenings for some frequent participants are the most awaited part of the event. I must admit, it was also what I had really awaited for the last five months. This time evening brought us good old ideas as well as some new. First of all as for Arabic related event, water pipe was nice addition. Secondly SiDi every time guitar player managed to get there on time, even though it was not easy (thank you!). There was also one surprise prepared by main sponsor.


Water pipe as it is - helped everyone to relax and was in the middle of a few funny situations. Guitar play deserves saying a few words more - watch out - I would flatter a lot! I just think, that anyone who have heard SiDi play, would not argue with me at this point. Guitar and SiDi it is just a perfect match with common experience of up to ten big Polish events. Therefore I am positive I was not the only one who was awaiting for that. This time, many voices joined singing, with especially strong part of a bit touched - Zdziś (BAT) from Łódź - who even had some dance with a guitar.



It was adorable. We have heard well known and commonly sung songs, but also those less known - of course only to those who haven't heard SiDi previously. You might hear Polish most popular songs and as well (my personal favourite) song about Canadian gym. To understand my feelings towards this songs, you should just hear by yourself, when tall 220 pounds man (SiDi) following the words, is taking a "difficult acting challenge" to impersonate "young, innocent, blond-haired Canadian teenager". Even though it's like his stage number one on each event we again had loads of fun.


Those who weren't under age might also try Danish alcohol - Gammel Dansk, which was again funded by sponsor. As it came out it is a killer - not only having strong 38% but also a taste of stomach drops or other grows medicine. We enjoyed new experience... and warmly greeted Danish cookies, it wouldn't go that smooth without them.




Saturday evening finished much later than previous one and for some it supposedly did not end at all. When I got up in the morning I saw some shadows which didn't give an impression that they ever went to sleep. Camp really slowly was getting back some life and nobody was too keen to quickly go back... Some gradually opened their eyes, some stretched while yawning, started breakfast or continued yesterday's chit-chat. At some point, to regret ,we had to head back someday... I had still some report to write.


Another BAT event was really well carried out. I have mentioned it number of times, but you should not forget big contribution of organizer and big engagement  to get everybody a good time. BAT is not selecting participants, making its events open to anybody and at its cost for free. Thanks to our sponsors it was even more this time. Good gameplay time, competitions and camp fire it has all made players smile. Whatsoever some might mention some misunderstandings - but event was really good.


Season is about to end, it is getting colder and colder outside. Even now - less people are ready to take a part in regular games. In a few weeks only the most endurant would keep on fighting. Unfortunately we would have to wait for some time till next big event. I think it is worth to get over the winter time for a few friendly events like this one - not only airsoft related.




BAT about the event: (Polish only)
BAT Gallery: (Polish captions)
Event forum topic on WMASG: (Polish only)
Event's competitions forum topic on WMASG:



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