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Action Air or IPSC? Or maybe both at the same time?
Action Air or IPSC? Or maybe both at the same time?

Action Air or IPSC? Or maybe both at the same time?

Action Air or IPSC? Or maybe both at the same time?
Action Air or IPSC? Or maybe both at the same time?

We have long been of the opinion that a skilfully used airsoft replica can be a great tool for entry training before shooting with a real firearm or in the elements of shooting training where the obstacle may be regulations, safety or simply funds. Dominik Górski is an active IPSC competitor, incl. Polish champion 2020 and vice-champion of Poland in 2018 and 2019, but also a former airsoft player, shooter and promoter of Action Air IPSC (he also does other things, but read about it on his profile). Mateusz Cichecki is a great Action Air IPSC competitor, and stood on many international podiums. They had a conversation on whether and how the airsoft discipline can affect result in competitions with real firearms and vice versa. Can both disciplines be combined? Listen up.

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Action Air Polska FB profile:

Dominik Górski website:

Dominik Górski FB profile:



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