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A revolution in ballistic protection?
A revolution in ballistic protection?

A revolution in ballistic protection?

A revolution in ballistic protection?
A revolution in ballistic protection?

ShotStop Ballistics from Ohio in the US has released what it calls the Level IV HA (Hybrid Advanced) ultra-light ballistic plate.


<iframe src="" width="560" height="314" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" />

According to the manufacturer, the plates, which weigh only 4.5 pounds, i.e. about 2 kg and are only 0.9 inches (2.3 cm) thick, protect against multiple shots (multi-hit) even from 7.62x54Rmm rounds, i.e. from the popular Dragunov. In addition to the aforementioned Russian cartridge, the plates provide protection against gunshots from the following types of ammunition: 5.56x45mm (M193), 7.62x39mm, 7.62x51mm M80 FMJ, NATO M855 (SS109) 5.56x45mm 62gr with a steel core (SS109), M855 A1, 7.62x63mm M2 AP.

Below is a video of tests using the 7.62x63mm M2 AP cartridge.

<iframe src="" width="560" height="314" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" />

The plates are offered in SAPI and Shooter's Cut shapes and in the following sizes:

6” x 6” x .9”
8” x 10” x .9”
8.75” x 11.75” x .9”
9.5” x 12.5” x .9”
10″ x 12″ x .9″
11″ x 14″ x .9″


The material from which the new Level IV HA plates are made is Duritium, a polyethylene fiber, computer-woven, vulcanized with a pressure force of 5,000 pounds per square inch, and subjected to cycles of thermal cold and heat treatment.


In combination with the composite alloy patented by the company, the manufacturer will achieve the above-mentioned degree of protection while significantly reducing the weight of a standard 10 ”x12” plate to the aforementioned 2 kg. The Level IV HA plate is a development version of the HS plate already in the offer, which is heavier and does not have a multi curve cut - i.e. an anatomical shape adapted to the shooter's body build.


The prices start at 219.00 USD and vary by cut and size.




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