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A backlash concerning the Block19 pistol
A backlash concerning the Block19 pistol

A backlash concerning the Block19 pistol

A backlash concerning the Block19 pistol
A backlash concerning the Block19 pistol

After a fairly rapid spread of a photo of a GLOCK pistol customized by Culper Precision from UTach USA - the Internet went wild.

Brandon Scott, the owner of the Culper Precision company, in an interview with the Washington Post said that this gun was created to show that a firearm can be for everyone (of course, if they are legal).

But this project was not liked by the Danish company LEGO, which expressed a clear dislike for the creation of this type of weapon. Moreover, a letter was sent ordering the cessation of further production of products resembling the image of world famous building blocks.

However, no one would expect a reaction from the Austrian GLOCK, which also issued a statement on this matter.
On the official Facebook profile of GLOCK, we can read a statement in which they clearly deny any kind of cooperation regarding the Utah-based project. In addition, it was emphasized that they would never consent to a toy-like product: because of the danger that this could pose.

GLOCK's Facebook page

Culper Precision's Instagram profile


