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Common limits for the largest Polish events
Common limits for the largest Polish events

Common limits for the largest Polish events

Common limits for the largest Polish events
Common limits for the largest Polish events

A few years ago, an initiative appeared among the airsoft community in Poland (about which you can read HERE), to provide unified rules for safe games. Currently, these rules have developed quite significantly, which resulted in an agreement between the organizers of the largest Polish airsoft events (i.e. "Mission Afghanistan", "Aegis", "Marsh") regarding the energy limits of replicas and their division. This is good news for all players, because between these events no changes to the replicas will be required, which will definitely save the work and nerves of the service technicians. Additionally, there should be no misunderstandings about the roles of replicas anymore, as clear rules have been applied to sniper replicas and a list of approved models has been published in the category of support replicas and LMGs. The issue of the number of magazines and the number of BBs was left open so that each organizer could better adjust them to the event profile.



Probably soon also smaller events will use similar limits, which will make the games even easier. In addition, one can see the standardization in use for measurements in Joules, which additionally prevents unpleasant situations and accidents during games. All that's left is to have fun with the new limits and take care of yourself and others.



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