Klub Strzelających Inaczej, the organizer of Light Infantry event (o ostatniej edycji pisaliśmy tutaj: https://wmasg.com/en/news/view/21007, I have posted a video at the end of this article) has accustomed us to an extraordinary approach to shooting competitions. During the last edition of LI, a colleague commented that this competition brings shooting as close as possible to what milsim participants can look for in this type of event. And he is right. The formula of the Light Infantry competition, regardless of the category (Light, Lighter, Extra Light, for more information, please refer to the previous article) requires preparation, physical fitness, endurance, ability to move in the field and navigation, and most importantly - accurate and fast shooting in extreme condition fatigue, while taking a break from performing other, scored tasks. To take part in the Light Infantry competition, however, you must have your own firearms, and thus permissions that not everyone has. Despite this, in September in Zielnowo we met many familiar faces, also from airsoft events.
The management of Klub Strzelających Inaczej tried to solve this problem by creating a new shooting project called "Gun'n'Run", bringing together enthusiasts of airsoft and shooting, as well as pneumatic weapons. So the owners of both firearms and compressed air powered firearms will take part side by side.
As part of the biegu Gun'n'Run the organizer will organize the following competitions:
- center fire weapons in calibers: .223, 7,62x39, 9x19mm (PCC), .308, 7,62x54R,
- rimfire weapons in caliber .22LR
- airguns in calibers: 4.5mm, 5.5mm, 4.5mm BB
- airsoft replicas in caliber 6mm
So much for the "Gun" part, while in the "Run" part, there are two categories to choose from:
- Category I - a run of 5 km (3 running circles) - 4 shooting rounds (40 shots)
- Category II - a run of 10 km (6 running circles) - 7 shooting rounds (70 shots)
An exemplary shooting range from the last tests carried out today.
The aim of the initiative is to popularize shooting, and at the same time to show that these seemingly separate worlds are not so far apart. We will have to wait for the "Light, Lighter and Extra Light Infantry" competition until June 2022 and we will remember about them again (places filled up quickly, but entries are still possible on the reserve list). On January 6, we see you at the Podwórze Koguta shooting range in Zielnowo during the new formula proposed by Klub Strzelających Inczej - "Gun'n'Run"! How will the new idea work? We will be there and we will report back. See you soon!
Competition ot FB - www.facebook.com/events/275261941229496
Place of the competition: "Podwórze Koguta" shooting range https://goo.gl/maps/JhpHTayhRDS8VuRA6
REGISTRATION: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkBp_xU9hzS2guHY67pwX4jleTjtI-nPZ0c-nFC--Tpw_ndw/viewform