Some time ago, materials about a new series of replicas by KWA have appeared on the Internet. The Lithgow F90 is to be a gas powered replica of the Australian Army F88A4 carbine.
The replica is to be built in accordance with the original, using polymers and aluminum. It is to have a full-travel bolt, a two-stage trigger (with a mechanical automatic fire lock in the trigger, which is also found in a firearm equivalent), a folding charging handle and a bolt catch on the left side. The disassembly of the replica into two parts was also done, which is required for the adjustment of the hop up system in the form of a rotary chamber that can be adjusted without the use of tools.
The front of the replica is made of aluminum and includes a ris rail running along the entire top part, a short lower portion for the front grip or a grenade launcher and a medium length rail on the right side of the replica. And yes, the replica is factory-ready to mount the local version of the SL40 under-barrel grenade launcher, with appropriate cutouts in the trigger guard, which allow for placing of the grenade launcher trigger.
Below, the real firearm with the SA40 grenade launcher mounted.
So far, the grenade launcher itself has not appeared in any announcements. The replica also includes a carrying sling and a bayonet mount. The replica uses gas powered magazines similar to those produced by GHK, so one can expect parts made in the current standard. The planned price of the replica is expected to be around 400-500 USD and is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2022.