If your replica lacks space for a battery, LCT has came up with new products. The PK-407 is a handguard intended for AK replicas with an enlarged space for a battery. According to the manufacturer, the internal dimensions are 34 mm in width, 155.4 mm in length and from 50 mm to 67.5 mm in height.
It is mounted in place of the standard handguard. Additionally, on the sides there have additional short RIS rails. According to the manufacturer, the handguard fits most AK replicas without any changes or requiring just some subtle changes.
However, if one has a different replica or a handguard with rails, it is possible to use the PK-406, which is an angled front grip with a space for a battery. Assembly consists in sliding a dedicated mount onto the handguard, securing it with screws and then attaching the grip to the mount with pins. The grip should accommodate a battery with maximum dimensions of 29 mm in width, 128 mm in length and a maximum height of 44.3 mm, or 27.4 mm for longer and thinner ones.
Both grips are to be made of nylon with metal parts. The only modification that is necessary to make it is leading the wires to the front of the replica. The grips themselves are similar in shape to the F2000 handguard, but have a more vertical hand stop, thanks to which a more stable grip will be possible.
The release date of the new add-ons and their prices have not been disclosed.
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