G&G Armament has announced the annual “Your greatest glory 2022 Video Contest”. As in every edition, certain conditions must be met in order to participate: the material must be from 30 seconds to 5 minutes long, published on the YouTube platform with an appropriate title, meet a few points from the rules and regulations, and be registered for the competition. As previous editions showed, Poles have quite a successful streak in the competition, appearing on the podium or among the awarded works. Examples are the works of Bartosz Bielicki (which took part both is the photo and video competitions) and Adam Aljvić. There will be prizes in the category for the best presentation of products and product innovations of the organizer, the best video material and story related to the brand, the most creative one. Additionally, 7 distinctions will be awarded. There will be cash prizes in the main categories and a set of 6 replicas as awards. The period for submitting the works and registration lasts until December 31, 2023, and the voting period lasts until January 10, 2023 and the results will be announced on January 20, 2023 on the manufacturer's website.
Last year's works:
Bartosz Bielicki - ESSENTIAL GUIDE
Luiggi Spaudo The future in your hands
Adam Aljović You are not alone
Marcin Maternik The Date