Owners of AK replicas from GHK will surely be pleased with the news about the newly announced series of accessories for the family of their replicas. Dytac will offer handguards with a length of 4.7", through 6.5", 11.2" and 14.7".
The whole thing is to be made of 6061 aluminum with a hard coating and have M-LOK mounting slots at the bottom and the sides. On the upper part of the gas tube cover one will find a section of a RIS rail. The handguard and the gas tube is additionally connected using bolts in the rear part. The only designation we one find is the SLR abbreviation. Together with the new handguard, one also get an outer barrel (in longer versions also with an extension), a gas piston replica and a new "Draco" style gas block.
Next to the handguard, there is also a more universal stock with a frame design made of 6061 aluminum. The product is designed so that it can be installed permanently or with a hinge, where, like in the original, it folds to the left side of the replica. Similarly to the handguards, the stock is protected with a hard coating.
There were also smaller accessories in the form of an adapter for AR-15 guides and a RIS adapter mounted in place of the stock.
At the moment, pre-order is in progress. The suggested prices are 170 USD for the 4.7" handguard, 176 USD for the 6.5" handguard, 198 USD for the 11.2" handguard and 202.5 USD for the 14.7" version, 99 USD for the stock and 85 USD for the adapters. Everything is to be shipped around mid-December this year.