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An alternative to the UTM?
An alternative to the UTM?

An alternative to the UTM?

An alternative to the UTM?
An alternative to the UTM?

Nothing can replace realistic training - special forces operators, regular soldiers, and sometimes even airsoft players know that. Meanwhile, the first two groups usually train without firing or with live ammunition in order to implement the most realistic battlefield scenarios. The problem is that you can't fire at real people while conducting training. For this reason, the more wealthy units benefit from the UTM (Ultimate Trainig Munitions) systems.

The system allows you to use converted firearms that allow you to shoot dye ammunition at the enemy.

The are disadvantage of the UTM system, however. Firstly, the price, secondly the fact that it is installed in a firearm for which, if one is not a police officer or a soldier, one must have a permit, or as in some US states, it must be reported when it is shipped.

Unit Solutions company UNIT 4 may be a solution to the above problems.

What distinguishes the system is primarily the fact that, according to the law (USA), those carbines are not treated as weapons and can be transported and used without any problems, just like airsoft replicas. Currently, the company's offer includes three models of the M4 series - the classic one with a plastic handguard and a transport handle;

The CQB model with a 10.5 inch barrel and M-Lok handguard;

The Spec Ops version with a 14.5 inch barrel and an M-Lok handguard

The last two versions do not include iron sights. Each model is priced at 1,099.00 USD. The cost of a spare magazine is 89 USD and the Tpack, the cartridge that supplies the magazine, is 180 USD for 20 pieces.

So what is different about UNIT4? Well, it uses magazines equipped with CO2 capsules, which propel 8 mm BBs to a velocity of 300-350 FPS and provides a rate of fire of 650-750 shots per minute.

Magazines have a capacity of 30 BBs.

The manufacturer offers two colors of colored ammunition, pink and yellow. The carbines, according to the manufacturer's description, are manufactured by LMT from the same materials as the M4 carbines. Naturally, the "weapon" operates in full and semi auto modes.

The downside of the system is, unfortunately, its susceptibility to low temperatures. As airsoft players know, CO2 at lower temperatures does not work as efficiently as it does on a sunny summer day.
However, the fact that it is already useded by the U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. National Guard and locally by police authorities in California, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey and Ohio my speak for this system.
It is also recommended by a number of training companies, including Blu Bearing Solutions, the company of former Delta Force operator Kyle Morgana.

Will this start an era of a cheap training system and begin the twilight of simunition?




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