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FN FAL Parts Kits to be drawn from FN USA
FN FAL Parts Kits to be drawn from FN USA

FN FAL Parts Kits to be drawn from FN USA

FN FAL Parts Kits to be drawn from FN USA
FN FAL Parts Kits to be drawn from FN USA

Fans of Belgian chocolate and weapons from FN Hernstal will surely be interested in the upcoming lottery. FN USA has announced the release of a limited edition set of parts for the famous FN FAL. These are pieces of equipment and weapons from the National Defense stockpiles intended for the Belgian military police. The parts in set themselves come from TYPE I/50.00, i.e. a model made in a metric system, with a fixed polymer stock and a 533mm long barrel. The parts themselves do not impress with their visual condition, but their wear level is not even minimal. The list of parts in the kit is as follows:


To avoid problems with the immediate purchase of sets, the sale is organized in the form of a lottery, where 100 codes will be drawn three times, which will enable purchase of the described set, and in addition, the winner of the main prize may receive not a set, but a complete FN FAL. One must pay 899 USD to sign up for the lottery. All details and rules can be found at FN FAL RIFLE GIVEAWAY/FN FAL PARTS KITS.



An airsoft curiosity is the fact that, based on the same model (TYPE I/50.00), Vega Force Company has designed and made the LAR replica, which you will soon be able to read about.



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