KWA's offer includes the latest version of LM4D replicas.
The new replicas have a few improvements, such as a new trigger mechanism, which is supposed to imitate the action of a firearm even more, or a tool-less Hop-Up system. The new two-stage trigger will have a more pronounced break and an 8-pound pull. Inside, the Hop Up chamber has also been changed to a rotary one, thanks to which its adjustment will be tool-free, and replacement will not require disassembly of the outer barrel. On the outside, we find double-sided manipulators, a 10.5-inch long outer barrel and a 9.5-inch handguard. Both the M-LOK and RIS systems handguards will be available.
The changes also include the replacement of fixed sights with folding ones by PTS, a new pistol grip or a minimalist buttstock with QD sockets.
Along with the replica, we will receive a magazine with a capacity of 40 BBs. The performance provided by the manufacturer is around 380-400 fps of muzzle velocity. The replica is now available for purchase for 430 USD, additional magazines are sold for 49.99 USD.
Scheduled release date is January 16, 2023.