Saiga family shotgun replicas are quite an expected product. Previously created only as unique items, gas-powered versions by Tokyo Marui are now available (Saiga 12K by Tokyo Marui is coming soon), introducing unique solutions as befits the Japanese legend. This makes us even more pleased with another replica made by Double Bell. Their Saiga 12 AEG version has been developed based on proven solutions, so it is not possible to shoot three BBs at once like in the AA-12. Single, automatic and three-round burst firing modes will be available thanks to an ETU system.
The replica has quite mixed parts. It is easy to notice the receiver dust cover from a standard AK, as well as the grip and safety lever. However, the most characteristic elements have been preserved, such as the handguard, sights, the outer barrel and the magazine. The replica has already appeared in selected Asian stores. The expected release date is December and the given price is about 200 USD.
Photos: Octagon Airsoft