AK replicas from GHK are one of many gas-powered models available on the market. The manufacturer has always offered AK replicas and this time we get a new model with the improved V.3 system. The changes remove the known shortcomings of the previous solution, such as rolling up of the hop-up bucking collars, a two-stage barrel locking system for improved accuracy and redesigned guides to reduce the risk of piston damage.
The replica itself will have a receiver made of a pressed metal sheet, 1:1 dimensions compared to the original firearm which will enable the installation of parts from firearms without any modification.
The new V.3 system includes a 21 mm diameter piston, a new hop-up system, reduced weight magazines (up to 20% lighter than before) and backward compatibility with V.2 CO2 and GG magazines.
The mechanical elements include a two-piece recoil spring guide and parts of the trigger mechanism, the bolt carrier and the barrel made of steel. Out of the box the replica will be equipped with a Bakelite pistol grip and a wooden stock and handguard.
The replica has an internal barrel 410 mm long, a total length of 900 mm, weighs 3.32 kg with a magazine with a capacity of 30 BBs. The replica is available in Asian stores in pre-order with an expected delivery date at the end of December 2023. Prices in individual stores vary, but they are around 500 USD.
Photos: GHK Airsoft