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BOR sniper rifle found
BOR sniper rifle found

BOR sniper rifle found

BOR sniper rifle found
BOR sniper rifle found

The information about the lost BOR sniper rifle appeared on Sunday, May 12. As reported by the DWOT spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Pękala:

On May 12, 2024, in the city of Tczew, after intensive day and night training, a weapon was found missing - a BOR rifle. Since the disappearance was discovered, soldiers of the 7th Pomeranian Territorial Defense Forces Brigade took an active part in the search for the missing weapon in the area where they operated for the last couple of hours. The investigation into this case is being conducted by the Military Police together with the Military Counterintelligence Service. Due to the ongoing investigation, please direct all inquiries regarding this matter directly to the Military Police Branch in Elbląg.

As reported later, the rifle was returned to the police on Monday May 13. There was information that it was done by a young airsoft enthusiast. He found the weapon with a cover in the area adjacent to the training site. It was then handed over to the police by his mother. The investigation will continue.

Photos: Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów



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