We often have to wait a long time for highly anticipated replicas and they will not necessarily be made in a version with the power supply we are interested in. This was also the case with the CZ Bren 805 replica, which is produced by Action Sport Games.
The licensed replica of the CZ design is an AEG replica. Making of a Gas Blow Back version was undertaken by a Czech creator known as Infrastructure Airsoft Parts and J. Kihope on YouTube. As we learned from the author, the project started in 2023 with the creation of the first version. Due to the availability of parts in EC standard, it was decided to design the entire unit based on this standard. This includes M4 standard magazines, the nozzle and its components. Dedicated parts such as the magazine well, hop-up chamber, bolt carrier and the trigger mechanism were designed especially for this project.
As you can see in the series of videos provided, a significant mount of the parts were created using 3D printing, and designing individual ones took significant amount of time. The receiver of the original AEG replica was preserved in its entirety and only required drilling an additional hole to install the hop-up chamber.
The whole thing works like mass-produced replicas, but only single fire is available. The generated performance is approximately 1.7 J using 0.32 g BBs. Currently, the project is still in the development phase, although the author does not exclude the possibility of start selling ready-made conversion kits. Currently, you can use other projects available on Cults3D where we can find parts for an entire range of replicas.