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BAS SAB shoulder-mounted grenade launcher
BAS SAB shoulder-mounted grenade launcher

BAS SAB shoulder-mounted grenade launcher

BAS SAB shoulder-mounted grenade launcher
BAS SAB shoulder-mounted grenade launcher

In airsoft, grenade launchers come in various forms. Most often, these are underbarrel variants or, less often, stand-alone versions. Those include a revolver grenade launcher produced by ICS (ICS -190 MGL) or the Carl Gustaw recoilless rifle from Vega Force Company (New VFC products expected in 2022). An interesting proposal was presented by the Taiwanese company BAS, offering a replica of a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher resembling the stockless Barrett M82A2 rifle.

The replica itself is adapted to use gas grenades made by its manufacturer or other 40 mm gas grenades. Loading takes place at the breech and the entire trigger mechanism is very simple.

In addition, the replica has 4 rails - one near the trigger for mounting a grip and at the front, and two on the top. Part of the barrel can be unscrewed for transportation, and the entire product weighs a modest 3.3 kg.

It is already available in one of the Czech stores at a price of nearly 20,000 Czech crowns, i.e. about 892 EUR.


