Another design has just been added to the offer of Novritsch replicas. Next to classic assault rifles, a replica of the Austrian Steyr AUG carbine has appeared, known in the Austrian army as the Stg77. It is available in the A1 variant with a fixed 3x magnification scope, a foldable front grip and a green receiver, and the A2 variant with a classic top rail for optics and a modern M-LOK handguard or additional QD sockets.
The replicas have a reproduced gas block with a thread and a barrel extension. Additionally, a CNC rotary chamber was used on the inner barrel, a V3 frame with quick spring replacement and an ETU system offering single-shot, full-auto and 3-round burst firing modes. However, the characteristic two-stage trigger has been retained. Replicas are offered with performances of 0.9J-1.1J and 1.4J-1.6J. The prices given on the manufacturer's website are 349EUR for the A2 version and 329EUR for the A1 version.
Photos: Novritsch