The MWS system by Tokyo Marui is probably the most popular platform used in long gun gas-powered replicas. At the moment, these are most often AR-15 replicas, but there are also others that borrow individual elements for their own projects. A perfect example of this is the replica of the latest XM-7 rifle by Toxicant (SIG Sauer NGSW MCX-SPEAR conversion kit by Toxicant). However, apart from the AR-10/SR-25 and AR-15 models, one can also find some unusual proposals among designs based Eugene Stoner's idea.
The AR-18 is was next project, this time based on a short-stroke piston system, while retaining many elements from the AR-15 platform. Recently, airsoft players got the possibility of creating their own AR-18 replica in the form of the BRN180, based on a complete receiver manufactured by the Korean company called Essential High Technology (EHT).
This product is created using both aluminum (marked in red in the photo) and steel (marked in blue in the photo).
The conversion kit in the form of a complete receiver is available in Asians stores for only 900 USD.
Photos: Essential High Technology