The MWS standard gas-powered replicas designed by Tokyo Marui is considered one of the more efficient, refined and reliable solutions on the market. This results in the expansion of production from Tokyo Marui to many other, smaller companies creating unique designs. One of many such companies is Toxicant, known mainly for its replicas of the leading series of SIG Sauer carbines. They offer quite a wide range of ready-made designs, from the Virtus, Rattler, LVAW models or the Spear LT replica available in pre-order (Sig Sauer SPEAR in the Light version). However, a hot new product is a replica of the latest U.S. Army weapon in the form of the SIG Sauer NGSW MCX-SPEAR (SIG SAUER sends prototypes of a new generation of weapons).
Originally chambered in the unique .227 FURY cartridge, the design was reproduced by Toxicant with 100% accuracy (which also includes dedicated magazines) with an effort to maintain compatibility with the MWS standard.
It is known that the presented replica is not a mockup or a prototype, but a refined product. All we can do now is wait for information about the price, release date and availability.
Photos: Toxicant