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10.5' and 16' bullpup variants of the MSBS Grot carbine
10.5' and 16' bullpup variants of the MSBS Grot carbine

10.5' and 16' bullpup variants of the MSBS Grot carbine

10.5' and 16' bullpup variants of the MSBS Grot carbine
10.5' and 16' bullpup variants of the MSBS Grot carbine

After unofficial announcements from the MSPO trade fair (Bullpup MSBS Grot and MPS pistol on the civilian market coming soon), it's time for actual premieres. Polish firearms manufacturer Fabryka Broni Radom has officially confirmed the release of the MSBS Grot carbine in a bullpup variant. It was first released fitted with a standard 16-inch barrel, but promotional materials also featured a very limited version with a 10.5-inch barrel, which joined its bigger brother in the company's offer.

The design still maintains the characteristic modularity of the MSBS Grot system, but in the smallest package. The smaller variant is available from official distributors for around 2100 EUR, and the larger one for around 2200 PLN.


Photos: Fabryka Broni Radom, Salon Broni Warszawa



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