GHK is famous for its gas-powered replicas. Thanks to cooperation with Umarex, we can enjoy replicas with full markings from manufacturers such as Glock or Heckler&Koch. This year's MOA fair also featured new replicas from those manufacturers. The Glock pistol replicas were joined by the Glock 45 Gen.5 MOS model with the possibility of mounting optics and an aluminum slide.
There have been some minor changes inside, because (as the manufacturer declares) it was possible to replicate the “striker-fired” trigger mechanism without the hammer known from other airsoft replicas. The replica has a simple textured grip as standard, a double-sided slide stop lever, an underbarrel rail, hop-up system adjusted with a key and a Cerakote coating.
A new replica from the Hecker & Koch carbine range is the HK416 A5 replica with an 11-inch barrel. The replica features a new M-LOK handguard with the possibility of quick disassembly, a replicated gas assembly, a new pistol grip and a new magazine design from H&K.
The replica has full markings, a 90-degree fire selector and duplicated manipulators. Compared to East Crane replicas (East Crane with new HK416 replicas) we are dealing here with a properly reproduced product. The whole thing will be additionally protected by Cerakote.
For fans of Mikhail Kalashnikov's work, a replica of the AK-105 has been prepared, a carbine closely related to the AK-74M. The replica itself will most likely use the 3rd generation AK system from GHK, which is already used in AKM replicas.
The model shown in the photos is still a prototype, but the folding stock and dovetail mount are already visible. The replica will be available with a 300 mm long internal barrel, a 30-round magazine and a muzzle velocity of around 110 m/s.
The more budget-friendly line of G5 replicas has also been refreshed. The 2nd generation is still to retain the polymer lower receiver, but the upper receiver is to be made of aluminum. Reloading will still be done using a G3/MP5-style lever at the front of the handguard, but different variants of the same lever and variants of handguard of 3 different lengths are to be available. Another addition is the inclusion of QD sockets and a stock adapter with a rail.
Photos: WMASG