After the last update in the mObywatel app, there was an opportunity to submit your ideas for documents that may appear in the app. Shooters communities trying to introduce this form of document began a very broad campaign to encourage people to submit this idea, but last week the final information on this matter appeared. It turned out that there was already such a proposal from politicians, but due to the lack of legal basis, it is not possible to transfer such data to the application database. As the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Digitization Dariusz Standerski replied: “At the meeting on April 5 this year with a representative of the Police, the possibility of implementing a firearms permit document in the mObywatel app was discussed. The Police representative pointed out at that time that there is no legal basis to transfer information from the register to the mObywatel app and there are no legislative plans in this regard”. This means that at the moment there is no possibility of easily entering a firearms owner's document into the application, nor are there any planned legal changes in this direction.

Polish mObywatel app still without a gun owner's ID
Author: Grzegorz Woźnica