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ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE: II Edycja Świętokrzyskiej Giełdy Airsoftowej

This article comes from an older version of the portal and its display (especially images) may deviate from current standards. store and Military Operation Rescue Team airsoft group would like to invite everyone to the 2nd Edition of the Świętokrzyskie Airsoft Market!

Start: 10.00
Date: Saturday 09.09.2017
Place: Leszczyny 81G Górno (premises of the brick and mortar store)


II Świętokrzyska Giełda AirsoftowaWe would like to invite you to put your surplus airsoft and military equipment, which take up room at your homes, for sale. As we found out during the first market event, talking to the owner and being able to examine the merchandise means a lot for many people. We will find some space for each person wanting to sell their stuff so it will look nice on a stand.

During the market there will be a 15% discount for all products available at* (Does not include products already discounted) store and and M.O.R.T. group are not parties in regards to transactions made at the market. All sales and purchases are an individual matter of persons conducting the transactions.
Came and enjoy!




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