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New shoes for the Polish Army
New shoes for the Polish Army

New shoes for the Polish Army

New shoes for the Polish Army
New shoes for the Polish Army

Three days ago we wrote about tests of new uniforms for the Polish Army . There are photos on the web presenting new boots proposed for this program.



In the discussion that followed on Twitter under the post of Krzysztof Płatek (@krzysztof_atek), the spokesman of the Press Agency of the Armaments Agency, about the tests of the new uniforms, Mateusz Zielonka (@JaxaMZ) published photos of boots, which are to be a new proposal of footwear for Polish Army soldiers.

New winter and summer models were presented. The former are made of brown leather with no additional inserts. The Polish Army logo is pressed into the upper part of the upper. On the other hand, the summer ones look like made of nubuck leather and with fabric inserts.



At the moment, we cannot deduce much about the components of these boos apart from licensed Vibram soles and zippers on the side of the upper. In summer boots, the eyelets of the laces look as though they are full-loop type, without the possibility of dividing their tension on the foot. However, in the case of winter ones, it looks like it will be possible to lock the laces halfway along their length. Thanks to this, one can more freely adjust the tightening and pressure on the foot, dividing it into two separate sections.



In the case of both models, the influence of the style of a footwear manufacturer popular among special units is noticeable. Reinforcements extending from the soles to the upper part of the boots is quite characteristic.



Although, according to the information about the tested new uniform, there is also a mention of new footwear, completely new models are quite unexpected. This may be related to the ongoing investigation into the defective footwear which found its way into the military.


