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US airsoft restrictions
US airsoft restrictions

US airsoft restrictions

US airsoft restrictions
US airsoft restrictions

Following the success of the Canadian community to stop Bill C21 from including realistic replica firearms in the ban (Airsoft in Canada - an amendment to Bill C-21) a situation of a similar caliber began to develop in the United States of America. The CPSC 2023-0021 (Consumer Product Safety Commission) imposes that replicas must be inspected by a dedicated laboratory. Doubts are caused by the lack of an organization capable of performing this specific certificate at the this time, as the number of such laboratories is very limited. This will mainly affect newly imported replicas and will not apply to replicas in the hands of players or stores, but it may introduce difficult to determine delays in deliveries to the USA. In addition, the introduction of new regulations on June 12 and their entry into force on June 26 does not leave much room for the airsoft community to act. The whole thing will mainly affect the largest importers, e.g. EVIKE or manufacturers such as KWA, who must now certify their own products, and end users in the form of players.





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