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Bad news for gun owners in Maine
Bad news for gun owners in Maine

Bad news for gun owners in Maine

Bad news for gun owners in Maine
Bad news for gun owners in Maine

The Democrat-controlled Maine Legislature continues to send gun control measures to the waiting desk of Gov. Janet Mills. 

Mills last week signed into law a proposal, LD 2130, that makes it a Class D crime to conduct "unauthorized paramilitary training" in the state. The bill had been sent to the Democrat governor's desk in a 20-14 vote by the state Senate and a narrow 72-71 roll call in the state House. While the law makes it a crime to gather and provide firearms or explosives instruction when " training or demonstrating is intended to be used by the other person in or in furtherance of civil disorder," the fuzzy language raised a flag with some as being too broad. 

"This bill could unintentionally impede well-intentioned groups from training," warned the Maine Sheriffs’ Association. "Groups like private security firms or American Legions who might want to train as a hobby could be affected by the broad nature of this bill."

Violators of the new law will be subject to up to 364 days in jail and a 2,000 USD fine.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the Maine House approved two new measures by a single vote. One bill, LD 2086, shoehorns a ban on bump stocks into the state's gun regulations to the opposition of local 2A groups, while the other, LD 2238, installs a mandatory three-day waiting period between over-the-counter gun sales and transfers.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation cautioned lawmakers the arbitrary waiting period in a time of near-instant background checks is an artificial barrier to exercising the right to keep and bear arms while having negligible impact on crime.

LD 2086 and LD 2238 now proceed to the state Senate for final approval. 

Source: Guns.com



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