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An interactive shooting range in Świdnik
An interactive shooting range in Świdnik

An interactive shooting range in Świdnik

An interactive shooting range in Świdnik
An interactive shooting range in Świdnik

iShot interactive shooting range

On the last day of June, the official presentation of the iShot interactive shooting range took place at the Molon Labe facility in Świdnica. The system will be available to customers from July.

iShot interactive shooting range
iShot displays a previously prepared scenario on a screen, and the practicing shooter fires at the screen using any real firearm. The iShot system records hit locations and presents a shooting summary after the scenario is completed. There are dozens of scenarios to choose from - from ordinary target practice, to previously prepared sports tracks based on IDPA or IPSC ones, to interactive videos resembling action movies in which the shooter takes on the role of a soldier fighting waves of opponents.

iShot interactive shooting range


iShot interactive shooting range
Such a system allows for a more varied and extensive training for a sports shooter, or to diversify everyday fun at the shooting range by replacing paper targets with an interactive animation resembling computer games.

iShot interactive shooting range

iShot interactive shooting range

Source: iShot, Molon Labe



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