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GROM is recruiting!
GROM is recruiting!

GROM is recruiting!

GROM is recruiting!
GROM is recruiting!

The unit from Mars St announced the start of another recruitment procedure. Candidates should submit a complete set of documents by February 16, 2020.


Below is an excerpt from recruitment information:

"The GROM Military Unit is recruiting for positions in combat teams and for other internal cells from among:

NOTE: at least two years of military service required.

Minimum requirements for candidates for service in the GROM Military Unit:

<ul><li>Polish citizenship;</li><li>no criminal record;</li><li>possession of a security clearance or consent for a security screening;</li><li>ability to serve in landing and assault units or consent to conducting appropriate tests;</li><li>real command of a foreign language;</li><li>age up to 30 years (selection).</li></ul>

For candidates from professional officers corps :

<ul><li>having a university degree;</li><li>military rank of at least a second lieutenant (or equivalent), and in the case of officers from other uniformed services (e.g. in the Police, ABW, SG, SOP, PSP, etc.) holding a rank in the officers corps.</li></ul>

For candidates from professional non-commissioned officers corps:

<ul><li>having a high school diploma;</li><li>having a military rank equal to or immediately lower than the full-time official position to be assigned after appointment for professional military service, and in the case of officers from other uniformed services (e.g. in the Police, ABW, SG, SOP, PSP, etc.) non-commissioned officer rank equivalent to a military rank. It is also possible to appoint a soldier of candidate service that has a high school diploma, have a rank of a corporal (mat) after completing his education in the NCO school;</li></ul>

For other candidates from professional military:

<ul><li>a soldier in reserve who has completed active military service and completed at least a junior high school and has professional preparation or qualifications or skills useful in the personnel corps in which he is to perform military service, and a military rank equal to or directly lower than the full-time official position appointed after being appointed to the professional military service.</li></ul>

For candidates outside the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Interior and Administration:

<ul><li>having a high school diploma or a university diploma;</li><li>having a foreign language proficiency certificate;</li></ul>

Interested persons who meet the requirements are requested to send to the Unit's address or to the following address:
2305.rekrutacja@ron.mil.pl in the form of a scanned file (PDF - one unpacked file), the following documents:

<ul><li>a recruitment questionnaire posted on the website in the DOWNLOADS tab;</li><li>a cover letter, which will particularly describe:</li><li>one's own predispositions,</li><li>a vision (a perfect image in the future) of service in JW 2305,</li><li>declared knowledge of English or another foreign language.</li></ul>

UWAGA: Proces składania dokumentów (ankiet) jest ciągły, Jednostka indywidualnie powiadamia zakwalifikowanych kandydatów, jednocześnie nie informuje na stronie internetowej o terminach kwalifikacji i selekcji.

Pozostałe, niżej wymienione dokumenty kandydat powinien mieć przygotowane do przedstawienia przy pierwszy etapie selekcji lub kwalifikacji:

<ul><li>a copy of the order or personal decision to be assigned to the current job position,</li><li>a copy of the personnel decision or order regarding the appointment to a rank if the appointment is not included in the content of the decision or personnel order appointing the current position;</li><li>a copy of the contract for performing contractual service (for professional soldiers performing contractual service);</li><li>a copy of the certificate of fitness for service in landing and assault units (in case of possession);</li><li>a copy of the security clearance (if available);</li><li>documents confirming the rank held (photocopy of the military booklet, copy of the decision or personal order regarding appointment to the military rank, excerpt from the order, decision) - applies to reserve soldiers and officers of uniformed services.</li><li>a copy of the certificate confirming training in the protection of classified information (in the case of possession);</li><li>a copy of your last business opinion;</li></ul>

Recruitment documents should be submitted at each qualification and selection process.

All additional information can be obtained from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 10.00 on 723 704 937

Sending a complete set of documents starts the recruitment process.

Lack of a complete set of documents or failure to provide full information in the survey results in rejection of a candidate.

The unit reserves the right to refuse further verification of the candidate without stating the reason.

Positive completion of the recruitment process does not result in simultaneous designation to the structures of the Unit."


More information on the Units website: grom.wp.mil.pl

Source: grom.wp.mil.pl



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