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Russian response to the MGRS
Russian response to the MGRS

Russian response to the MGRS

Russian response to the MGRS
Russian response to the MGRS

The sight was created to work with machine guns and grenade launchers mounted on reinforced positions or in vehicles. Its base is compatible with side mounting rails characteristic of the weapons of the former Warsaw Pact.


The device is to be designed for relatively precise machine gin fire at targets at distances up to 1200 meters in the case of the 12.7mm WKM Kord. For ease of use, a large rotary knob has been placed on the right side of the housing for adjusting settings depending on the distance. On the left there is a battery compartment and the dot brightness adjustment.

Further details are currently unknown, including the dimensions of the sight, whether there is a Piacinny rail version, the size and type of the aiming reticle or the battery operation time.



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