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Cloud Defensive REIN
Cloud Defensive REIN

Cloud Defensive REIN

Cloud Defensive REIN
Cloud Defensive REIN

The product is called REIN and offers 1,400 lumens (and 60,000 candelas) of light and a dual switch (temporary/permanent) for high functionality. There is also a Micro version of the product. If you like swimming, it meets the IPX8 waterproof standard (30 meters for 24 hours).


The name REIN stands for Rail mounted Environmental IllumiNator. The flashlight is compatible with all mounts designed for the lighting of the Surefire Scout family, so all Magpul, Arisaka etc. mounts will be good. The flashlight switch has been specially designed to work with long weapons. Its cable emerges from under the rear cap and is extremely short, which prevents the need to roll it up or to secure it's excess.


The flashlights are to be delivered with a custom 18650 battery and a charger. The price for the complete set is 315 USD (a flashlight with a mount, a switch, a battery and a charger). The working time given be the manufacturer is 2 hours. There is also a miniature version of the flashlight with a power of 1,300 lumens and 55,000 candela.



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