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Double-sided Aero charging handles
Double-sided Aero charging handles

Double-sided Aero charging handles

Double-sided Aero charging handles
Double-sided Aero charging handles

Aero Precision, the American manufacturer of AR-15 carbines and parts, has introduced two charging handles for this family of weapons. The Aero's Breach Charging Handle seems to be in direct competition with the very popular but expensive Radian Raptor, which are made in three variants.


The handles are to be characterized by exceptionally high resistance to damage thanks to the 705-T6 aluminum alloy used, the same type which is used for making AR-15 upper and lower receivers. According to Jayden Jung, the part's designer, Aero decided to ignore the fashion for slimming each part of the weapon, often at the cost of durability.


The sharp edges have been clearly rounded to increase the comfort of use, after all, not every AR-15 owner is a two-meter tall lumberjack or a body builder with groves in his hands. The Breach Charging handle comes in two sizes, depending on user preference and intended use. "Athletes" will choose a larger one. Paratroopers, on the other hand, will choose the smaller one so that it does get caught in equipment while jumping.

Work is also underway on a variant for the AR-10. The standard BCH for the AR-15, whichever version you choose, costs 76 USD, the one for the AR-10 to be 9 USD more expensive.



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