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Gentex mounts for Ops-Core
Gentex mounts for Ops-Core

Gentex mounts for Ops-Core

Gentex mounts for Ops-Core
Gentex mounts for Ops-Core

We have already mentioned the international fair taking place in Australia when reporting on the Thales carbine. This time, Gentex has surprised everyone with an interesting new solution for attaching active hearing protectors to Ops-Core helmets. At their stand the standard and common mount was presented side by side with its modified version.

In the above photo, on the left side of the helmet, one can clearly see a protruding mounting arm. On the right side, however, there is a modernized version of the arm, which is much more hidden.

The solution, in my opinion, is very good. Especially that it is quite difficult to match an appropriate mount of an active hearing protection system with a ballistic head protection system compliant with the IHPS (US Army's Integrated Head Protection System) standard.

It is true that at the moment there are no requirements related to adding this type of mount as standard. However, the number of orders from other Opc-Core users may lead to a change in the approach of manufacturers in the future.




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