Dytac continues to develop a series of parts for Tokyo MaruiMWS replicas (More Dytac parts for replicas of the Tokyo Marui MWS system). This time, new parts for M4 replicas include a complete trigger mechanism, adapted to work with a double-sided magazine release. The most critical parts are to be made of steel for improved reliability and durability. Less critical ones will be made of aluminum to reduce weight.
A reinforced nozzle assembly will also be available.
A stainless steel locking pin for the bolt is also available.
The listed prices for the trigger assembly are 132.50 USD, the nozzle assembly costs 45.50 USD and the pin is 9 USD.
For owners of the M870 Breacher shotgun replica, a flash hider dedicated to the replica may be a nice addition. It was designed specifically for mounting the Quark M tracer by Acetech, which we have already written about (An unusual approach to combining a chronograph, a laser, a flashlight and a tracer). A set including the tracer and flash hider will be available for 185 USD or and the flash hider will cost 78.70 USD.
Photos: Dytac