As every year at the MOA fair, Kizuna Works has presented its products in the form of accessories or just replicas based on Russian weapons. In addition to the already available products, which we have described many times at our website (New Kizuna Works handguard for Tokyo Marui Saiga 12K replicas, Lebedov pistol replica by Kizuna Works, PL-15K by KIZUNA WORKS, HEXAGON handguard by KIZUNA WORKS), some modifications to them were also presented.
There was also no shortage of new products in the form of an equally unusual replica of the Russian GSh-18 pistol, i.e. a design made by Gryaziev and Shipunov. At the moment, we know from the manufacturer that the replica presented during the fair is only a model made using 3D printing, but its appearance is announced for an unspecified time in 2025.
It is also worth devoting a few words to the original, which was created around the 2000s. The design itself is based on a barrel rotation mechanism (instead of the more widely used tilting barrel system used e.g. in Glock pistols) with 10 lugs. At the same time, following market trends, the frame is made of polymers. The photos show the classic GSh-18 variant without an additional underbarrel rail, but such a version was later also created under the designation GSh-18 Tactical.
Photos: WMASG